Friday, April 20, 2012

What is missing?

Maya Lin Invites and Challenges Website Visitors to Help Improve Earth's Well-being
If you're looking for something to do on Earth Day, consider a visit to, the site developed by noted artist and activist Maya Lin that launches its second stage Sunday. Follow up by going to the stirring exhibition of her sculpture in the Heinz Architectural Center, Carnegie Museum of Art.
Ms. Lin conceived "What Is Missing?" as the fifth, and last, of her memorial projects, which began with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial built on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., in 1982. She was an undergraduate at Yale University at the time and winning the design competition catapulted her to fame. That she chose to shy away from the spotlight reflects a persona characterized by integrity, intellect and a deep and genuine relationship with projects she commits to. -- By Mary Thomas, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via Architectural Record

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