Monday, October 24, 2011

Urban Farms

Urban Farm Design Competition
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, Wal-Mart representatives and officials from the Office of Sustainability and Sustainable Atlanta announced today a competition to design an urban farm on a vacant lot across from City Hall. The Trinity Avenue Urban Farm Design Competition was launched to support the city’s effort in establishing an effective and inspirational model for urban agriculture and furthering the city’s pursuit of becoming a Top 10 sustainable city. -- ArchDaily

Boston seeks proposals for pilot urban agriculture project
City of Boston released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Pilot Urban Agriculture Project. The Project proposes to put three vacant, city-owned properties in Dorchester to productive use for farming, with the goal of producing fresh, healthy food for sale in the community.  --  BRA blog

Farm-On-Wheels On A Mission
Filmmaker Ian Cheney came to New York in 2009 realizing how difficult it was to have a place to grow food. So he planted his mini farm in his old Dodge and the Truck Farm was born! -- the Pop-Up City

The first aeroponic farm in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Louisiana-based Aquaponic Modular Production Systems, an urban agriculture development company, just announced the debut of a project — the first aeroponic farm in New Orleans.  The Tower Garden is hosted by Hollygrove Farm and Market to showcase an innovative, fast, and eco-friendly way to grow fresh produce for the community. -- Jetson Green
Detroit Council OKs sale of 1,500 lots for urban farming project -- Detroit Free Press

Japanese Commuters Grow Veggies On Train Station Rooftops
In Japan, a whole new kind of an urban rooftop farm was opened recently. Soradofarm is an urban agriculture project that uses the rooftops of train stations to accommodate urban gardens for waiting train passengers that want to use their transfer time to relax and train their gardening skills. -- PopUp City

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